2021 archive of Music & Liturgy Musings

2021 archive of Music & Liturgy Musings

All Things Caught Up in Christ

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 5/18/21

At the conclusion of Second Vespers (Evening Prayer II) on Pentecost, the Easter season officially ends. As the Spirit has been poured out in abundance on us, we are emboldened and sent forth into the world to proclaim the paschal mystery: Christ crucified, risen, and ascended into heaven. We ... Read More »

The Extended Pentecost Vigil

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 5/18/21

Friends, as I noted last week we have the great opportunity this Saturday evening to celebrate the extended vigil of Pentecost--a wonderful liturgical treasure of the Church revived in the most recent revision of the Roman Missal. A brief history: the Pentecost Vigil arose from an early Church practice of ... Read More »

Preparing for Pentecost!

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 5/07/21

Friends, in two weeks we will celebrate the third greatest feast in the Church year: the Solemnity of Pentecost. On Friday, the day after the traditional date of the Ascension, we begin the Holy Spirit novena in preparation for the coming of the Spirit. The nine days between the ... Read More »

Psalm 22

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 4/30/21

“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” becomes “I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people.” What a difference a few days can make! Our responsorial psalm this weekend is Psalm 22, which we also heard five short weeks ago on Palm Sunday. This ... Read More »

It's Hard to Be an Easter People

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 4/23/21

Saint John Paul II famously said “We are an Easter people and Alleluia is our song!” (Angelus, 30 November 1986).  Let’s face it: it’s hard to be an Easter people. By the time we get to the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the initial joy we experienced of Christ’s resurrection on ... Read More »

Psalm 4

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 4/16/21

Friends, first I want to apologize for not having the Mass setting sheets for the Easter season in the back of the hymnal for last weekend. After coming back from a few days of time off post-Easter, making those inserts honestly slipped my mind. Rest assured they are printed ... Read More »

The Easter Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 4/08/21

On Easter, throughout the octave, and today on the octave day, we sing the Easter sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes (Christians to the Paschal Victim, Offer Thankful Praises). This ancient hymn ascribed to the Wipo of Burgundy (c. 11th century), is sung preceding the Alleluia. In the Tridentine Mass and current ... Read More »

Easter Joy

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 4/08/21

Christ is risen, alleluia! He is risen indeed, alleluia! Friends, on this great solemnity of Easter, we rejoice with an indescribable joy because our Lord has conquered sin and death by rising from the grave. The first eight days comprise the Octave of Easter and are celebrated as solemnities ... Read More »

The History and Practice of Mass Intentions

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 3/25/21

The History and Practice of Mass Intentions (accompanies Fr. Poggemeyer's bulletin letter of March 28, 2021) Dear Friends,The offering of a Mass for a specific intention is a very common practice, but its history and purpose are usually unknown or misunderstood.  To fully understand this practice, we have to go ... Read More »

The Collect Prayers

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 3/25/21

Last week, Fr. Poggemeyer explained the change to the end of the opening prayers with the removal of the word “one.” These prayers, called the Collect (with the emphasis on the first syllable [KAH-lekt]), are present in every liturgy celebrated by the Church. The word Collect comes from the Latin word “collectio” which means to ... Read More »


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