Do you know a family desiring a deeper relationship with God? |
Do you know a family... - Whose children are 7 years old or older and have not been baptized? - With a parent who desires to become Catholic and/or receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Eucharist and/or Confirmation) along with their child(ren)? - That has been away from the Church for a while and in which parents and/or children may desire to receive the Sacraments (Baptism, First Eucharist and/or Confirmation) at a later age than is typically the case? This summer, there will be an opportunity on Sunday mornings for families to be introduced (or re-introduced) to the Catholic Faith and a relationship with Jesus Christ together, in preparation for the sacraments. Each session will begin with parents, children and teens all joining together in prayer and fellowship. The group will then split into separate sessions for children, teens, and adults, but each session will cover similar content, at an age appropriate level, so that the whole family can have discussions about the same content after the session is over. For this reason, we do ask that parents always accompany their children or teens to these sessions, even if the parents are not preparing to receive the sacraments themselves. PLEASE NOTE: These sessions do NOT require a full commitment to the Catholic Church or to receiving the sacraments in order to participate. Please, come and see what the Lord has in store for you and your family, and encourage your family and friends to do so, knowing that no one will be forced to commit until they are ready. Sessions will follow in the Fall and Spring for those who desire to commit to following the Lord, to growing in relationship with Him, and to uniting themselves to Him in the Catholic Church.
SUMMER SCHEDULE Most sessions will run from 9am-10:45am, with Mass either immediately before (8am) or after (11am) June 25th July 9th July 16th July 23rd July 30th August 6th August 13th August 20th Please contact Jessica Pehmoeller at the Parish Office ( or 419-435-6692 x338) for more information or to help put a family you know in touch with someone to help them get started. |