"God sends us friends to be our firm support in the whirlpool of struggle. In the company of friends we will find strength to attain our sublime ideal." - St. Maximilian Kolbe
Since the earliest days of the Church, most growth in discipleship and sharing of the faith has taken place in small groups of disciples where people come to know and love one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. When the Bible says “they will know we are Christians by our love for one another,” it means that others will see how we minister to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. Community is essential for people to become true disciples of Christ, the kind who will go out and tell others about Him. This is the essence of the Great Commission, and it begins, and is ultimately manifest, in intimate relationships between people – small groups.
Small groups are founded upon 4 Principles or Foundations:
1) Shared Prayer
2) Shared Fellowship
3) Shared Learning
4) Shared Mission
Small groups are meant to foster intimate relationships between people striving alongside one another towards holiness, intentional discipleship, and sainthood. They encourage individuals to take responsibility of their own growth in discipleship through increased encouragement and accountability amongst members. Small groups are also uniquely customizable - the depth of prayer and sharing, the content of learning, and the zeal with which the members go out on mission can all be adjusted to meet members of the group where they are at and encourage them to go deeper and strive higher towards greatness in holiness.
St. Wendelin Parish offers many opportunities for individuals - of all ages! - to get involved in small groups. Please consider which of the following opportunities you are being called to participate in!
THE RESCUE PROJECT - Created. Captured. Redeemed: Know Your Story
High School - Adult
Thursday evenings @ 6:15pm
October 27th - December 15th
Register Here: https://forms.gle/LJgRYb8GmqmcVFVQ7
YDISCIPLE - Programs don't make disciples: Disciples do.
High School teens
Flexible schedule, 2-3x / month
Find out more information here and contact Jessica Pehmoeller to get a small group started.
FAMILY FAITH FORMATION - Small groups of families striving to grow in holiness together.
Parents & Children
2 Wednesdays & 1 Sunday each month
Find out more information and sign up to participate here.
Wednesday mornings & evenings
Register in the Gathering Space or Parish Office.
Want to start your own small group? Contact Jessica Pehmoeller to get started and to receive support and guidance!