"The world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort: you were made for greatness!"
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Young people - you are not the future of the Church. You ARE the Church!
Jesus calls to you, He wants so desperately to know you and to love you - will you give Him the opportunity?
St. Wendelin Youth Ministry strives to offer young people (grades 7-12) the opportunity to encounter the Person of Jesus Christ through learning, prayer, service, and community.
YDisciple - YDisciple is an opportunity for high school students (grades 9-12) who desire to develop deep friendships with other faith filled young people while also developing a strong relationship with Christ under the guidance of a mentor. Groups of 4-8 young people and 2 adult mentors meet at least twice a month for food, fellowship, prayer, and conversation. There is also a large group event once a month at the parish for all YDisciple groups and other high schoolers to come together in community. See the video below for more information!
Click here for more information about YDisciple!
Frequent Works of Mercy activities are offered for young people to participate in, such as food pantries hosted at the parish, writing cards or collecting gifts for those who are in nursing homes or in prison, participating in pro-life activities, etc. Students are encouraged to dive into prayer in order to grow in love for Jesus and into works of mercy, so as to grow in love for others.