Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

February 25, 2024

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 2/20/24


Dear Parishioners,

For a couple months now you have heard the announcement of Encounter the Heart of Jesus, the adoration time before the Blessed Sacrament the first Sunday evening of each month. As part of that announcement, you hear that there are confessions available, and I am usually ... Read More »

February 18, 2024

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 2/13/24


Dear Parishioners,

This weekend is our "commitment weekend" for the Bishop's 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) – Yesterday, Today & Forever. Money collected from the ACA each year covers the pastoral/ministerial programs of the Pastoral Center of the Diocese; while parish money given through our annual assessment (scheduled ... Read More »

February 11, 2024

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 2/08/24


Dear Parishioners,

A couple weeks ago we had another finance council meeting. Here are some highlights:

– We reviewed the basic financial reports: the income and expense report, the balance sheet, the payables detail. A finance council member reported on her internal audit, using Diocesan forms, for the ... Read More »

February 4, 2024

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 1/29/24

January 28, 2024

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 1/29/24


Dear Parishioners,

I have been asked what projects come next, now that the storage building is completed. Do you remember there were four projects designated for the Diocesan capital campaign?: the storage building, the church lighting, a new roof for the rectory, and repair of the parking lots. ... Read More »

January 7, 2024

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 1/04/24

January 7, 2024

+JMJDear Parishioners,

A Blessed New Year to all of you! Thank you to everybody who made our Advent and Christmas liturgies beautiful! – the decorators, the cantors, the musicians, the greeters and ushers, the servers, lectors and extraordinary Eucharistic distributors. I believe our Lord was well-worshiped ... Read More »

December 24 & 31, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 12/14/23


Dear Parishioners,

Why all the excitement about God becoming “incarnate”? Well, because God for the first time in all of history becomes tangible in a way He had never been before. “Incarnate” means “in-the-flesh.” God comes to us in-the-flesh, so humanity is able to sense him in a ... Read More »

December 17, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 12/14/23


Dear Parishioners,

Every once in a while I will have somebody ask me what I am doing during that period of silence right after I chant “Let us pray” before the opening collect (i.e., prayer). The rubrics for the Mass instruct for a moment of silence right there. ... Read More »

December 10, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 12/07/23


Dear Parishioners,

Last week we had another finance meeting. Here are some highlights:

– We reviewed the normal financial reports from the last two months: the balance sheet, the income and expense statement, the payables report. Also, one of the finance council members reported on the internal audit ... Read More »

December 3, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 11/28/23


Dear Parishioners,

May the Lord grant you a very blessed Advent! We begin Advent focusing on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. We finish Advent focusing on His First Coming, humbly in a manger. Between these two comings is the coming of Jesus Christ to each one of ... Read More »


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