Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

November 26, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 11/20/23

November 19, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 11/09/23


Dear Parishioners,

Advent is only two weeks away! Almost impossible to believe! With Advent, we begin a new liturgical year. The Sunday readings will be taken from the Lectionary Sunday cycle “B” of the three-year cycle. The daily readings will come from the Lectionary daily cycle – year ... Read More »

November 12, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 11/09/23


Dear Parishioners,

This past week the Church recognized National Vocations Week. We didn't focus totally on it this past weekend, because other issues had to be addressed. I remember that in August Bishop Thomas wrote to all of us asking us to storm heaven, begging God to give ... Read More »

November 5, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 11/09/23


Dear Parishioners,

Have you ever wondered what is in the large box beneath our altar at St. Wendelin? A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to open that box and explore its contents with the students in our Confirmation class. The box contains various relics. In Europe, ... Read More »

October 29, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 10/19/23

October 22, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 10/19/23

Dear Parishioners,    +JMJA blessed Feastday of St. Wendelin to all of you! May St. Wendelin's holy life of work and prayer as shepherd and abbott continue to inspire all of us who call St. Wendelin Parish our home! A couple weeks ago we had another finance council meeting. Here ... Read More »

October 15, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 10/19/23

Dear Parishioners,                                                                                                                            +JMJ

Thank you for the prayers while I was away for my ongoing education conference in Rome. It dealt with spirituality. It was a very good conference; and it was packed every day from early morning to late ... Read More »

September 24, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 9/18/23


Dear Parishioners,

As you are reading this, I should be en route to my ongoing education conference in Rome. Please pray for safe travel, and for learning from the conference. Given my  return to Rome, and the fact that we celebrated the feast day of Mother (Saint) Teresa ... Read More »

September 17, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 9/12/23

September 10, 2023

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 9/07/23


Dear Parishioners,

I can't believe that we are now into September! I guess it's not too early to tell you that I will be gone the last week of this month. I have to attend an ongoing education conference in Rome. I will leave Saturday morning, September 23rd, ... Read More »


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