Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

August 21, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 8/15/22


Dear Parishioners,

This week some of us attended the kick-off for the second wave of the Diocesan Capital Campaign, Living Christ, which is St. Wendelin's wave. We also had a training meeting for volunteers who have been asked to help us reach out to over 200 households in ... Read More »

August 14, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 8/15/22


Dear Parishioners,

On July 28th we had another finance council meeting. Here are the highlights:

– We looked at the standard financial reports: the balance sheet, the income and expense report, the aging/payables report. Also, a council member reported on the bi-monthly internal audit she did, using diocesan ... Read More »

August 7, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 8/07/22


Dear Parishioners,

Thank you to everybody who gave of their time, talent and treasure to make our Mini-Fest last Saturday a success once again! You remember that soon after I arrived in July 2020, I realized there was a desire on the part of many to reinvigorate the ... Read More »

July 31, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 7/27/22


Dear Parishioners,

With this letter, I would like to encourage everybody to attend the upcoming REBOOT event with Chris Stefanik. As you can see in the advertisements, five area parishes are sponsoring the event. We had it originally planned for a year ago, but the Covid situation forced ... Read More »

July 24, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 7/21/22


Dear Parishioners,

I'm writing this letter in the last couple days of my vacation. Most of my vacation was spent at my sister's house, except for a visit to the Fort Wayne area for a wedding reception of some close friends. I took the vacation opportunity to read ... Read More »

July 17, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 7/11/22

In place of Fr. Poggemeyer's regular bulletin letter, please see the below statements. Bishop Thomas' statement is featured in this week's bulletin.   The statement of Bishop Daniel E. Thomas can be found at  - https://toledodiocese.org/diocesan-news/statement-of-bishop-daniel-e-thomas-on-todays-supreme-court-decision. The statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) can be found at - https://www.usccb.org/news/2022/usccb-statement-us-supreme-court-ruling-dobbs-v-jackson.The statement of ... Read More »

July 10, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 7/11/22

+JMJDear Parishioners,

In light of my having to be away from the parish last month for a wedding and for the diocesan priests' convocation; and, then considering I am on vacation this month – out of town July 4th -15th, I thought it would be helpful to address the ... Read More »

July 3, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 6/29/22


Dear Parishioners,

A blessed July 4th to all of you! Thank the Lord for our great country! But, let's also pray that our country stop declining into what is contrary to God's plan for humanity. Rejecting God's plan can only lead to ruin. How much we all need ... Read More »

June 26, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 6/23/22


Dear Parishioners,

In just four days we come to the end of the fiscal year for the parish and the diocese. As you can see, we are below budget with the collections year-to-date. However, I want to express my gratitude for the generosity everybody has shown throughout this ... Read More »

June 19, 2022

Posted by Melissa Kelbley on 6/15/22


Dear Parishioners,

As I am away for a wedding, here is another installment of the Familiaris Consortio (On the Role of the Christian Family) letters couples in marriage prep receive from me: ==========

In his exhortation on family life, Pope Saint John Paul II wrote the following:

At ... Read More »


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