Browsing Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

July 31, 2022


Dear Parishioners,

With this letter, I would like to encourage everybody to attend the upcoming REBOOT event with Chris Stefanik. As you can see in the advertisements, five area parishes are sponsoring the event. We had it originally planned for a year ago, but the Covid situation forced us to reschedule.

We know the word "reboot" from the world of computers, right? Sometimes we have to shut off the whole system, and start it up again. That starting up again is called "rebooting". Well, there are times to start our life up again, or get some extra energy pumped into it, in order to make it feel new. I guarantee you that you will find great inspiration in what Chris Stefanik has to say. His presentation will be “The heart of the Gospel applied to every aspect of your life. From prayer and spirituality, to work, dating, marriage, parenting, health and more!” (as one of our flyers states).

At my last parish, we implemented the YDisciple program for high school youth. It was a great success, providing healthy, wholesome, faith-filled small-groups that met several times each month. The groups often watched video materials as a basis for discussions. Well, one of the stars of many of those video series was Chris Stefanik. All of my YDisciple youth at the last parish knew his name, and really liked his presentations. I remember one small group leader coming up to me, after having learned that we missed a Chris Stefanik presentation (somehow, we didn't know about it!). The youth were really disappointed that they didn't get to see him in person, after having learned he had been speaking at a parish within driving distance. Chris became a real hero to our high school youth through the YDisciple videos! He speaks from the Heart of the Church, in a dynamic and evangelistic way. I am sure I will become more Catholic from attending this event!

Bottom line: I hope you seriously consider attending this event, and inviting others to it. It is definitely an evangelistic tool at our disposal. Please check out this bulletin, and others, and our social media for more information. Thanks in advance for allowing the Lord to use you in this endeavor!

Have a blessed week!

In cordibus Iesu, Mariae et Iosephus,

Father Poggemeyer


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