2022 archive of Music & Liturgy Musings

2022 archive of Music & Liturgy Musings

Receiving Holy Communion More Than Once Per Day

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 9/13/22

As we continue in this first year of the National Eucharistic Revival, a question that recently arose is “Can a person receive the Holy Eucharist more than once per day?” This is a very good question! Succinctly, a person may ordinarily receive Holy Communion up to twice per day, ... Read More »

Two Feasts on the Holy Cross

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 9/02/22

On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, the Church celebrates the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and Our Lady of Sorrows, respectively. These two feasts, always celebrated back-to-back on September 14 and 15, give us a chance to deepen our devotion to our Lord, his cross, and also our ... Read More »

Join the Endless Song

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 9/02/22

A couple weeks ago, we sang the hymn “How Can I Keep from Singing?” The refrain of this hymn boldly proclaims, “No storm can shake my inmost calm while to that rock I’m clinging. Since Love is Lord of heaven and earth, how can I keep from singing?”  With ... Read More »

Kairos vs. Chronos

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 8/16/22

Time: a resource which is all too fleeting and something which we wish we all had more of. The more we “need,” the faster it seems to go. In regards to time, I have been struggling recently—mightily at times (pun intended)—and this issue presents itself all the more when ... Read More »

More on Progressive Solemnity

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 8/10/22

Closing out our four-part look at music in the Mass last week, we discussed progressive solemnity, particularly in how it is applied when it comes to singing. In employing progressive solemnity, we see that the higher the rank of the feast, more singing is included as demanded by the nature ... Read More »

A Cry from Deep Within: Singing in the Sacred Liturgy - Part IV

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 8/10/22

As we have read over the last three weeks, when we gather together for worship, music, —specifically singing—, is integral. But what is sung and how is that determined? That determination is made by the principle of progressive solemnity. Human nature demands that there is balance in all aspects of ... Read More »

A Cry from Deep Within: Singing in the Sacred Liturgy - Part III

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 8/10/22

In last week’s article, we read that when we come into the presence of the Lord, especially in the Holy Mass, speech is not enough—parts of our being break into song. Our personal experiences and emotions overflow into a communal song which the community lifts up as we sing ... Read More »

A Cry from Deep Within: Singing in the Sacred Liturgy - Part II

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 7/24/22

Last week we barely scratched the surface on liturgical song and how music has been the foundation of Jewish and Christian worship for millennia. Music, as Saint Augustine says, is “a cry from deep within our being [and] a way for God to lead us to the realm of ... Read More »

A Cry from Deep Within: Singing in the Sacred Liturgy

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 7/15/22

Over the next couple of weeks, we will explore the gift of song, why it is used in the sacred liturgy, and the use of progressive solemnity (what is sung and why). Music is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity and whether we are musically inclined or not, ... Read More »

Sunday Obligation & Saturday Wedding Masses

Posted by Anthony Gallina on 6/29/22

Now that we are in the middle of summer, we have probably hit the peak of vacation season and wedding season. Perhaps you have or will be going on vacation and/or have or will be attending a wedding or two already this year. As I am attending a family ... Read More »


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