Browsing Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

July 2, 2023


Dear Parishioners,

Three weeks ago, the Diocese hosted at our parish a retreat day for Parish staff. The talks were given by Fr. Steve Mattson, Pastor of the Church of the Resurrection in the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan. The topic was God's healing power. Most of us can think of ways that life has left us wounded; and we can think about sinful behaviors or attitudes we adopted. One of the handouts from the retreat was entitled “Renouncing Lies and Announcing Truth.” It's a spiritual exercise. You can find that handout here: https://www.corlansing.org/healingprayersessions

Fr. Mattson read through some of the common wounds and prayers to renounce the lies connected to those wounds. For example, here are the first four wounds from his list:

Rejection: I renounce the lie that I am unloved and unlovable… and I believe that I am loved and valued.

Abandonment: I renounce the lie that I am alone and nobody understands me… and I believe that I am connected and understood.

Fear: I renounce the lie that if I trust I will be hurt… and I trust that perfect love casts out fear.

Shame: I renounce the lie that I am bad, dirty, ugly, stupid, etc…. I believe the truth that in the Sacrament of Reconciliation I am forgiven and set free. I am pure and worthy because of what Jesus has done for me.

And, here are the first four sins from his list:

Pride: I renounce the sin of pride and idolatry of myself… and I ask God for forgiveness and choose to humble myself.

Envy: I renounce the sin of envy and idolatry of position/status… and I ask God for forgiveness and choose contentment and kindness toward my neighbor.

Anger: I renounce the sin of anger and idolatry of power or control… and I ask God for forgiveness and choose patience and long-suffering, and blessing for those who hurt me.

Lust: I renounce the sin of lust and any idolatry of sex or relationships… and I ask God for forgiveness and choose the virtue of chastity and seeing everybody in purity.

The day also included the theme of forgiveness – forgiving those who have hurt us. Praying alone, or with trusted friends, we can allow the Holy Spirit to heal us in those times when we have been hurt, even though those wounds might have been afflicted a long time ago. We are considering some healing prayer opportunities at this parish. God really does work quite concretely to unburden our souls, and prayer can be a powerful means of experiencing His transformation in Jesus Christ.

I am out for vacation for ten days. I'll miss next weekend's Masses. Monsignor Andrew Martin of Cross Catholic Outreach is coming to celebrate those Masses, and remind us of the good work Cross Catholic Outreach does. I used to work under the same roof as Jim Cavnar, founder of Cross Catholic Outreach, back in my Ann Arbor days. I know it's a good organization that will use donations most efficiently and honestly.

Have a blessed week!

In cordibus Iesu, Mariae et Iosephus,

Father Poggemeyer


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