Browsing Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

September 10, 2023


Dear Parishioners,

I can't believe that we are now into September! I guess it's not too early to tell you that I will be gone the last week of this month. I have to attend an ongoing education conference in Rome. I will leave Saturday morning, September 23rd, and return Monday morning, October 2nd. So it's just one intense week. Because of jet lag and the basic load of work the conference entails, I am not taking appointments for a few days after my return. We have priests scheduled for Masses those two weekends, although I have to confess – for the first time – I was not able to find a priest to cover the Spanish Mass on Sunday, September 24th; so we have to cancel that Mass. We tried every option we could for a substitute priest for Spanish Mass, but to no avail… which runs into my next topic… the need for more priests.

You saw recently that Bishop Thomas is asking us to double down our efforts praying for more vocations to the priesthood. I want to reiterate the Bishop's request. Please be praying regularly in your homes for vocations to the priesthood – even at meals times together. I believe the Bishop asked for one Hail Mary a day, begging for vocations to the priesthood. Then please remember that we have adoration already in place three days each week. (The Bishop suggested parishes offer hours for adoration for vocations.) I ask that those who are coming to adoration please say a prayer for vocations; or even devote your whole hour, or a shorter visit you are making to vocations. Those of you who are not signed up for an hour of adoration, would you still consider stopping by each week for a bit of time in front of our Eucharistic Lord to ask Him for more priests for our Diocese, even from our parish? If we don't have more priests, we will continue to experience a squeezing of priestly resources (and parishes) that will be hard on all of us. Priests give us the Eucharist. Without the Eucharist, we cannot spiritually survive. I realize Fostoria St. Wendelin has given the Diocese some priestly vocations already; and we can be very thankful for that!

On another note, we are starting to get Living Christ Capital Campaign reports from the Diocese. If you are somebody who pledged, but it seems there has been some miscommunication or other difficulty getting your statements, please feel free to call the Diocese's main phone number (419-244-6711) and ask to speak with somebody in the Capital Campaign office. You could call the same number, if perhaps your financial situation has changed, and you would like to alter anything about your payment plan. Continued thanks to all who have been so generous with the Capital Campaign.

Thanks for prayers that my ongoing education conference in Rome! And thanks for praying for an influx of priestly vocations for our Diocese!

In cordibus Iesu, Mariae et Iosephus,

Father Poggemeyer


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