Browsing Fr. Poggemeyer's Weekly Letter

November 7, 2021


Dear Parishioner,

A couple weeks ago we had another finance council meeting. Here are the highlights:

- We reviewed the prior months financial statements: balance sheet, income and expense report, accounts payable.

- We have reached 87.47% ($41,573) of our Annual Catholic Appeal goal ($47,528). The diocese has surpassed it's ACA goal overall, but is still accepting donations until the end of the year. The money our parish has raised is well beyond anything we have done in the past decade at least. Many thanks to everybody who has given. I would still love to see us meet our goal, so if there is anybody who has not given, please consider a gift. However, I am so grateful for the generosity expressed already, and the support and understanding that our mission is integrally woven into the diocesan mission, and vice versa.

- We looked at our restricted capital funds balances, i.e., money remaining from capital projects. $6613 in the hymnal fund; $7500 in the third floor remodel fund (much of this money will be used by the time we finish the work on the classroom doors with windows on the third floor); $1770 in the food bank fund. There are a few line items with only tiny amounts left in them, to be transferred into general operating funds.

- We had a one time expense of $523 to set up VMix for live streaming.

- We received a $750 donation from the Rosary Altar Society for hosts, wine, etc. We are very grateful for their ongoing support of our liturgies!

- We paid the last of legal fees for creating the contract for the sale of the high school property: $603

- A shipment of hosts, charcoal, candles and paraffin oil cost $295.

- Janitorial supplies, a battery for the garden tractor, paint and supplies for painting the carport at the Northwest side of our building cost $581.

- Replacing/repairing sidewalk, pad and curb in front of the rectory cost $6000. We are liable, if there are accidents due to the sidewalk being uneven or broken.

- We purchased a new power washer for regular cleaning needs around the parish: $455.

- You remember we had phone problems last month, which we learned came about from changes two companies above us in the phone chain. We had to purchase a new adapter to convert the analog phone to VoIP; and we also had to replace some access points for the internet, because everybody was experiencing video problems: $820. New 3CX Pro software for the updated phone system cost $196.

- For the SW Educational Foundation Report: Tom Krupp and Jolene Johnson, the Foundation's new Administrator visited the Fremont and Tiffin Catholic high schools. The Foundation gave a $500 gas card per child to school parents to help with gas. Recently scholarship checks were also issued directly to the schools.

- We signed the repair contract for a new drop ceiling with lights for the elevator. We sent in $5,000, half of the total cost.

- We discussed how to move forward with our a/c repairs, since the company has not been able to accomplish them.

- Lawyers are working with the timeshare company to get us released from the contract. We have had some new communications towards this goal. This is the timeshare that was donated years ago as a fundraising instrument for the school.

- Updating all the lights in the church, using funds we collected for this some years ago, is still an open discussion. It might be a while until we receive a report for estimated cost savings with such an update. This will be factored into the discussion.

- Given the loss of storage and maintenance buildings on the High School property, we need to build a storage and maintenance building at this campus. The cemetery Morton building is packed, as is the rectory garage, and there are still some things left outside that really should be locked in a building, such as the plough and the trailer. We reduced festival items dramatically, but there are still some things in the trailers out behind the rectory that we ought to save, because they are very useful for any type of social events we would have on this campus, including the possibility that the mini-fest might eventually flow over onto our property. We could be served by stored tables and chairs and tents that we saved from our traditional festival. Put it all together, and we are thinking of a 60' x 80' building somewhere along the east side of our campus. We discussed the timing of this project, and making this the goal of money that comes back to the parish from the diocesan capital campaign that will begin for us in August 2022. Ongoing discussion.

- We also decided to make the rectory roof replacement a goal tied to the diocesan capital campaign.

- We were notified of a large bequest, and we decided to put that money into the parish's diocesan trust endowment account once the bequest arrives.

- We sent a check for $10,000 each to the Fremont and Tiffin Catholic schools. We used STEM funds and Music Booster funds leftover from the school, asking these schools to apply the funds to those programs specifically.

So there are the highlights. Have a blessed week!

In cordibus Iesu, Mariae et Josephus,

Father Poggemeyer


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